Thursday, 22 July 2010

Revival due to Boredom

So... this summer's been, and will be, a bit weird. Not weirder then most summers but definitely different. Considering I live in an other country these days, I guess spending my vacation i Oslo wasn't really the most natural transition.

Suffice it to say it's not what I was hoping it would be.
First of all I have to get up at 06:00 every morning, and I'm never home before 17:30. I don't really mind having an 8 hour workday, it's not something I'm used to but I accept it as a necessity. The 3,5 hour transit period is what's really getting to me.
The rest of my problems are RPG related. What I was hoping to do, getting a quick Scion campaign run, over the summer, seems to be slowly collapsing on me, like most of my campaigns do. This is mostly due to my recently acquired "Early to bed so you don't die"-policy, and one of the players' equally busy work schedule.

It seems I'm going to have to keep this schedule until August 8. which, sadly means it'll last for as long as I get to share an apartment with DrLabowsky (whose blog is far more interesting, though in Norwegian) which is time I was planning on using for other *things*.

Oh well... Enough complaining for one post, at least my long hours mean I get plenty of reading done... I'm on my 4th novel this week, but more on that in a later post I think. For now suffice it to say that the Blog is back due to boredom, let's see how long I can keep it up this time.